2010 is almost here.
This is the time of year when people are looking forward to the New Year with excitement and anticipation. Hopefully you have signed up for the I Am Crossfit Challenge. Or perhaps you are thinking about your goals for the New Year.
The definition of Resolution according to Mirriam-Webster:
Firm determination.
A course of action determined or decided upon.
A decision.
What are your goals for this year?
What are your goals for this Challenge?
Are you looking to get lean?
Are you looking to get stronger?
What does that look like to you?
How will you know if you have made progress?
When I did the I Am Crossfit challenge last year, Carey asked me how committed I was. I had no idea how to answer that. I was thinking about that question again today. Here are some things to consider about your commitment and determination:
Are you willing to work harder than you ever have?
Are you willing to change your diet for at least 8 weeks?
Are you willing to do extra workouts on your own to achieve the results you desire?
Are you willing to really listen to what your Coach recommends?
How bad do you want this?
As we approach the New Year, it is also a time for reflection.
What worked for you over the past year?
What accomplishments are you proud of?
What changes have you seen in your life?
What didn't work for you in 2009?
Where was your focus this past year?
Is that where you want your focus to be for 2010?
Where do you see yourself a year from now?
It's a little overload on the questioning today, but in order to really have success with any kind of challenge or new commitment, I truly believe we have to get our minds right- really wrap our heads around what it is we want to achieve so that we can orchestrate the steps to get there.
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall."- Confucious