LADIES! This year we have been talking a TON about becoming your most vibrant self. Now - it's time you realize how powerful you are and live up to your own expectations.
Nike co-founder Bill Bowerman once said,
“If you have a body, you’re an athlete.” Bill is a visionary man, but we have a different definition. We believe YOU make the choice to be an athlete. You make the choice to show up. To show up and run, jump, lift and move. You make the choice to improve your overall health and quality of your life. And most likely, you inspire your friends and family to improve their overall health.
Athlete: [ath-leet] noun
{Someone who is trained or skilled in exercises or sports requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina} ie: CROSSFIT
CrossFit is the Sport of Fitness and you, as a part of CrossFit Central, CrossFit Central ATX, CrossFit Trigger Point & Relentless Athletic Training are involved in the Sport of Fitness!
If you’re reading this, and thinking, “No way, I’m not an athlete!” Do you take on CrossFit or Relentless Athletic Training classes? If so, you are an athlete. If you’re reading this and thinking “I just want to fit in my jeans or keep up with my grandkids, I have no desire to take on competitions.” That’s ok too! But consider that every time you choose a healthy meal or challenge yourself by stepping into the too are choosing to be an athlete.
This year, Live Up to Your Own Expectations.
The choice is yours! In 2012, Choose To Be An Athlete.