Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mark Your Calendar for June 1!

Have you met Lauren Sheehan
You might have seen her around with this guy :)

She is a new face at Crossfit Central and does a lot of really cool things! Lauren is the co-founder of Primal Eating Modern Table, is an Inner Presence Coach, a Crossfit Coach, and a Feminine Essence Cultivator- make sure to visit her Blog to find out more. 

Lauren is hosting a Be Selfish Night next Tuesday June 1 for all Crossfit Central Women  (you don't have to be in the Women's only program. You just have to be female!)  Here is what Lauren wrote:

Dear Crossfit Central Women, 

When was the last time you took time to sit down, be silent, and check in with your body? When was the last time you took the time to nurture yourself? A lot of us have had little or no personal support in deliberately creating happiness and connection as we grew up. Women have so much wisdom and it multiplies when we gather together to support each other. 

My passion is empowering women and creating the space for people to connect to their authentic selves and know how to create and live their passions.  I invite you all  to join me for the first Be Selfish NightBe selfish nightis all about connecting to yourself and other women in an inner presence circle.

An inner presence circle gives people an avenue to practice feeling authentically powerful, whether things are falling apart for them, or coming together. They are member facilitated and provide a space to learn how to better hold our focus on creating joy, acceptance, passion and clarity in a rapidly transforming world. 

Inner presence circles are the perfect medium to have an open discussion about issues and topics that we may not get to talk about as much as we would like in a safe and supportive environment. If you are passionate about creating your own life, love, and happiness then you will love to have this night of discussion, connection, and clarity.

Coach Lauren

When: Tuesday June 1st
Where: Coach Crystal McReynold's House

If you plan on coming, post to comments. I hope to see you there!

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