Congratulations to all of our Crossfit Central athletes who came out this weekend and gave it their all- in body , mind, and spirit. In case you weren't glued to Twitter all weekend like me, here's how it all turned out:
Monday, May 31, 2010
On to the Games!
Congratulations to all of our Crossfit Central athletes who came out this weekend and gave it their all- in body , mind, and spirit. In case you weren't glued to Twitter all weekend like me, here's how it all turned out:
Friday, May 28, 2010
Regionals Bound!

Good luck to all the amazing Crossfit Central athletes who are competing at Regionals this weekend!
Individual event 1 - Snatch/OHS
10 Bars will be set up for men and women – 20 total per heat.
Weights for the men’s bars:
Weights for the women’s bars:
At each station athlete must complete:
1 Squat Snatch with 2 Overhead Squats or 1 Power Snatch with 3 Overhead Squats
Athletes will have 45 seconds to complete all three movements.
Athletes will have 15 seconds between stations.
Athletes will finish the workout when they are unable to complete all 3 movements within 45 seconds.
Movement standards PDF.
Individual event 2 - Weighted half Cindy
10 Minute AMRAP of:
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
Men will be wearing a 20lb short weighted vest, Women will be wearing a 10lb short weighted vest. Movement standards PDF.
Individual event 3 - DU/DL/SBR/Row
For time:
100 Double Unders
3 Rounds of:
10 Deadlifts(275/185lbs)
1 Sandbag run(75/50lbs)
Then row 1K
Movement standards PDF.
Individual event 4 - Final Event
For time:
10 Muscle Ups
15 Handstand Push Ups
20 Squat Cleans (155/105lbs)
Run the Block
Movement standards PDF.
Affiliate team event 1 - Deadlift and Double Unders
In teams of 4 athletes (2 men / 2 women) AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
2 men have to complete 100 double unders then 25 deadlifts(225lbs) total, in that order
2 women have to complete 100 double unders then 25 deadlifts(155lbs) total, in that order
Once the entire team has completed 200 DU and 50 DL, they spend the remainder of the 7 minutes completing as many reps as possible of either deadlifts or double unders. Only one man and one woman can be working at a time. Two bars will be provided for each team. Movement Standards PDF.
Affiliate event 2 - The 100’s - Affiliate
100 Thrusters(115/75lbs)
100 Push Ups
100 Hang Power Clean(115/75lbs)
100 Ring Dips
100 Overhead Squats(115/75lbs)
Teams of four athletes. Only one team member can be working at one time. teams must complete all 100 reps before moving on to the next movement.
You must move as a team. Movement Standards PDF.
Affiliate event 3 - Row
As a team, max distance row in 24 minutes.
Each athlete will perform 3 rounds of 2 minutes of rowing for maximum distance. There will be a continuously running clock
Teams of 4 Athletes. Only one athlete will be working at one time. There is one rower per team. Team members will switch off rowing every 2 minutes until everyone has rowed 3 times and the 24 minute limit is up. Movement standards PDF.
Get some!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Right On, Sister...
Taken from Crossfit Watertown, a.k.a. She-Who-Says-it-Better-Than-I-Ever-Could:
If I really think about it, I know the barbell can’t save me.
It can’t offer me eternal salvation. Or money. Or even peace with all my decisions, however difficult they were.
The barbell can’t soothe a crying baby,or cure cancer, or even bring me back that split-second decision to accelerate on a wet North Carolina curve years ago in that little red car.
It can’t make me prettier, or smarter, or more accomplished.
By all rational thought, I should discard the barbell and buy some Mom jeans and take up scrapbooking or Zumba or some kind of “fitness” class wherein I try to dance or gyrate my way into a sexy body. That’s what “sensible women” of my age do, isn’t it?
But I doubt those sensible women have felt the cold steel in their hands. They probably haven’t wrapped their fingers around a 70 lb barbell and snatched it 30 times in a row, in the middle of a 2K rowing sandwich. They most likely have not felt the power of bringing that weight overhead and then throwing it down, rubber bouncing up from the ground, chalk particles wafting like snow through the summer rays of sunshine beating across the floor. Those women still think a workout must involve a cardio machine, and, maybe, if they’re feeling adventurous, a weight machine.
They don’t know they are a weight machine. The years are taking their toll. They can either carry that weight on their hips and their butts and their bellies for the rest of their lives . . . or they can put it in their hands, on a barbell, and toss it above their head. Maybe grunt. Most likely swear. But feel the power. Be the strength. Become dominant over themselves, over others, over the world right in front of them.
Because once you truly experience the power of the barbell, you can’t ever go back. It’s like that part in the old movie “Thelma and Louise” when Thelma says, “You know, something’s, like, crossed over in me and I can’t go back, I mean I just couldn’t live.”
There’s no going back now. Something’s, like, crossed over in me. Weak and mediocre just won’t cut it anymore. I just couldn’t live.
No, the barbell can’t save me . . . because I guess it already has.
(Words by Lisbeth Darsh/CrossFit Watertown.)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Farm Fresh Produce at Crossfit Central!

Farmhouse Delivery is a delivery service that has teamed up with Crossfit Central to provide our community with locally grown produce, dairy, meat, and eggs.
- The first 30 people who sign up will have the option to pick up their produce at Central
- The first 30 people who sign up will have their $20 set up fee waived
- By signing up, you will be entered into a weekly drawing for $25 towards any non-produce item such as grass-fed meats, farm fresh eggs, and dairy
Our produce comes from Rain Lily Farm, Montesino Farm, Ringger Family Farm, Acadian Family Farm, Tecolote Farm, G&S Groves, and other small local farms. The farms we work with are either certified organic or use organic, sustainable methods for growing your food. Each bushel contains a list identifying the farm where each item was grown. We also offer field trips to the farms we buy from so you can see your produce growing yourselves!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Weekend Links for You
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mark Your Calendar for June 1!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Take Care of the Skin You're In
Summer is almost here. Clothes are getting skimpier, and soon you'll be donning your new bikini!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Determination from Lauren Sheehan on Vimeo.