
Monday, September 14, 2009

Women's Challenge Part 1

This may be the only time you'll see Leslie smiling when she's running, so I had to commemorate the occasion! Way to go girl!

Rain. Mud. Sweat. Smiles.

Saturday was a great day for a challenge. It hasn't rained all summer, and on Saturday morning it was pouring. The Teams met down at Shoal Creek at 7:45am to check in and show off their Team uniforms:

Next it was off to the 2 mile trail run. But first, Teams had to do a total of 150 mud-filled Burpees:

Halfway through, Teams stopped at the Kettlebell station to swing a total of 200 swings.

After running to the turnaround to get marked, Teams were back to do 200 very wet med ball passes and answer a few nutrition questions (Are you sure wine isn't a protein?!) Finally it was a race back to the beginning of the Trail to dry off and get ready for the next segment at the Gym...

1 comment:

  1. Man, oh man! I was all CrossFit drunk and put wine in the FAT column. Can you EVEN?!

    That just goes to show you: don't CrossFit and write.
