
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Crossfit Kids Halloween Challenge!

Calling all kids!!

Join us on Saturday morning for the first ever
Crossfit Kids Halloween Challenge!

Open to boys and girls ages 7-17

There will be 2 age groups..... 3 events..... 6 pumpkins..... 4 prizes..... and 1 giant thing to jump over!

Time: 10-11am

Dress: Something you can work out in!

Who: Anyone! Bring a friend or two

Cost: FREE!

How: Sign up Here

Questions? Contact me at

See you Saturday!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Meet Megan Parsons

I thought it would be fun to get to know some of our female coaches here at Crossfit Central. Over the next few weeks I will be spotlighting the amazing women who train/nurture/yell at/laugh with us. Now, on to.......

Megan Parsons

How were you introduced to Crossfit?

I started working out at CrossFit Central in June 2008 to simply mix-it-up and try something new. I have always been a workout junkie so paying to join a class at CFC was a huge deal for me. I am not the type of person who needs inspiration or motivation to continue to work out to stay on track; I just needed a change (and Jess said I must try it). Growing up as a daughter of a football coach, you naturally gravitate to fitness and sports. I have always lifted weights, run, etc. I LOVE FITNESS!

Favorite WOD/lift:

I like Nancy and Christine

Favorite Zone/Paleo Meal:

Steak, asparagus, sweet potato. I love Paleo pancakes and Lemon Tarts baked by Eric Wood too.

Favorite cheat meal: Nachos

I have always wanted to spend an entire summer at the ocean; the 1st part in the Caribbean and the 2nd part in the Mediterranean.

1 word people use to describe me: Showout!

Outside of the gym I like to lay by the pool (if its summer) and of course hang out with my friends. Friends are family to me. I love watching college football!

Something nobody knows about me or may be surprised to know: I am scared I'll end up alone someday.

Favorite place to eat in Austin: Cuatros

Song that gets me pumped up for a workout: all hip-hop!

Proudest accomplishment: Defending my thesis

Best piece of advice anyone’s ever given you:

My Dad told me “it is the quiet moments out of the spotlight when no one else is looking that most defines your character.” This statement has resonated with me since I was a teenager. It keeps me pressing forward even when I know I can be complacent and no will know.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years I will still be living in the greatest city ever, Austin. I will own a house on Lake Austin complete with a wakeboarding boat and an infinity pool. I hope to be married and have 1 little showout kid. I think that is about all the children I can handle =).

I am still working with CrossFit Central and growing and branding Relentless boot camps and CrossFit Central. I oversee multiple coaches and train them up to be the best CrossFit coaches in the country. The name “Relentless” is a house hold name in Austin and coaches travel far distances to learn the programming and methods of our boot camps.

I have developed a training course or seminar that teaches individuals balance with workout, nutrition, and life. I work to remove the all-or-nothing attitudes and promote quality of life and day-to-day balance.

I have also patented the word “Showout” and have an entire t-shirt and accessory line promoting the Showout brand.

I am financially free and pay for everything with cash. I am a 6-figure coach and love my job!

That's what I call GOAL Setting!!

Megan heads up our Relentless Bootcamps and website. She can be found at Deep Eddy, Dick Nichols, and Lake Pointe bootcamps. Megan also is available for personal training- 5 minutes with her and you're sure to be a Showout!! To find out more about Megan, check out her blog.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Chicken Broth

This post is piggy-backing on Erika's post about Chicken soup. I've actually been hearing/reading a lot lately about chicken stock of all things and have a quite lengthy post to share with you.

Here's the thing about making a good, organic chicken stock: It can not only help your body when you are sick, but it can help replace key minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, and other trace minerals. It also contains the stuff broken down from the cartilage and tendons- glucosamine and chondroitin- high dollar supplements.

People are starting to link a lot of illness/disease/chronic pains and ailments to mineral deficiencies. If our soil is depleted, our plants are depleted. If our plants are depleted, our animals are depleted. You can see where this is going.

So back to the chicken broth... I had always wondered why people ate chicken noodle soup when they were sick. I thought maybe it was something about the combination of the noodles and the little carrots and the chunks of gross chicken in the Campbell's soup. Well...

Thankfully, it turns out it's none of the above! It's the actual homemade broth containing all of the easily absorbable minerals that is so good for you. I found this site that is fascinating if you are enjoying this topic. Here is a little snippet:

Science validates what our grandmothers knew. Rich homemade chicken broths help cure colds. Stock contains minerals in a form the body can absorb easily-not just calcium but also magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals. It contains the broken down material from cartilage and tendons--stuff like chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain.

Fish stock, according to traditional lore, helps boys grow up into strong men, makes childbirth easy and cures fatigue. "Fish broth will cure anything," is another South American proverb. Broth and soup made with fishheads and carcasses provide iodine and thyroid-strengthening substances.

When broth is cooled, it congeals due to the presence of gelatin. The use of gelatin as a therapeutic agent goes back to the ancient Chinese. Gelatin was probably the first functional food, dating from the invention of the "digestor" by the Frenchman Papin in 1682. Papin's digestor consisted of an apparatus for cooking bones or meat with steam to extract the gelatin. Just as vitamins occupy the center of the stage in nutritional investigations today, so two hundred years ago gelatin held a position in the forefront of food research. Gelatin was universally acclaimed as a most nutritious foodstuff particularly by the French, who were seeking ways to feed their armies and vast numbers of homeless in Paris and other cities. Although gelatin is not a complete protein, containing only the amino acids arginine and glycine in large amounts, it acts as a protein sparer, helping the poor stretch a few morsels of meat into a complete meal. During the siege of Paris, when vegetables and meat were scarce, a doctor named Guerard put his patients on gelatin bouillon with some added fat and they survived in good health.

So today I decided to take the plunge and make the broth. I have a huge aversion to dealing with dead animals with bones, so I was happy I could just throw the entire bird into the pot and not have to do anything to him. I simmered mine for 6 hours and it was super easy. I plan on drinking a cup each day this week since our whole family has had the plague. Plus, it is going to get colder this week- perfect!

One important thing to remember that Erika also pointed out: Don't skim off the gelatin stuff. It is very important. Also important, get an organic chicken. I went to Sprouts near my house and got one for $11. All you need is celery, onion, and carrots and you're set.

Here's the recipe: Chicken Stock

1 whole free-range chicken or 2 to 3 pounds of bony chicken parts, such as necks, backs, breastbones and wings*
gizzards from one chicken (optional)
2-4 chicken feet (optional)
4 quarts cold filtered water
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 large onion, coarsely chopped
2 carrots, peeled and coarsely chopped
3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped
1 bunch parsley

*Note: Farm-raised, free-range chickens give the best results. Many battery-raised chickens will not produce stock that gels.

If you are using a whole chicken, cut off the wings and remove the neck, fat glands and the gizzards from the cavity. Cut chicken parts into several pieces. (If you are using a whole chicken, remove the neck and wings and cut them into several pieces.) Place chicken or chicken pieces in a large stainless steel pot with water, vinegar and all vegetables except parsley. Let stand 30 minutes to 1 hour. Bring to a boil, and remove scum that rises to the top. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 6 to 8 hours. The longer you cook the stock, the richer and more flavorful it will be. About 10 minutes before finishing the stock, add parsley. This will impart additional mineral ions to the broth.

Remove whole chicken or pieces with a slotted spoon. If you are using a whole chicken, let cool and remove chicken meat from the carcass. Reserve for other uses, such as chicken salads, enchiladas, sandwiches or curries.

If you don't want to drink the broth immediately or want to save it for future use, you can freeze it in ice cube trays. Next up, fish broth- finally, a use for fish heads!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Food is the Answer

How are you feeling? Are you getting the results you want? Have you been giving it your all in the gym but not seeing a whole lot of progress?

The answer is your diet. Not going on a diet, but the amount and quality of food that you are consuming.

Are you keeping a food log? Are you weighing and measuring your food? Are you seeking advice from your Coach? Are you attending FREE nutrition meetings?

If you have answered no to any of the above questions, it is time to get on track. Really. Right now.

When I started Zoning in January, it was hard and confusing! Anything new takes a little while to learn. But once I got the hang of it- about 4 weeks later- it was second nature. It really does get easier. The great thing is, you don't have to do it alone! Not only will your Coach help you, but chances are that the women in your class are going through the exact same thing. Be sure to check out our Eat Clean Live Strong blog. Erika is a wealth of knowledge

Tonight is the first ever Women's Only Nutrition Meeting at Run-Tex. It will begin at 7:45pm. Bring your food log if you have one, but if not, just show up. That is the first step. I promise you'll get a lot out of it!

We are 2 weeks into the Benchmark Challenge. Keep up the good work by attending one of our FREE workouts this weekend. Check out the Crossfit Central site for sign-up info.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Meet Jessica Sharratt

I thought it would be fun to get to know some of our female coaches here at Crossfit Central. Over the next few weeks I will be spotlighting the amazing women who train/nurture/yell at/laugh with us. Now, on to.......

Jessica Sharratt

How were you introduced to Crossfit?

The infamous Carey Kepler! I had known Carey outside of crossfit for a couple of years and knew she had always been fit and was a trainer. One weekend a group of us went camping and she came along and when I saw her I noticed she was the most lean I had ever seen her (which I didn't know was possible!) So I asked what she had been doing differently and she told me all about crossfit. That next week she called me and told me to come do elements and get started in classes. I showed up to a little garage and Zach yelling at me and the rest is history.

Favorite WOD/lift:
Right now I think my favorite WOD is Christine. Maybe because I just recently did it so it's fresh on my mind but I really enjoyed that one! Favorite lift is the Clean and Jerk...feels empowering.

Favorite Zone/Paleo Meal:

Indian Curry Stir Fry!! I usually make it with shrimp or chicken. Ingredients below:

In a pan saute Red Bell Peppers, Yellow Onions, Mushrooms, Water Chestnuts and Zucchini in a little Coconut Oil until soft, Add Shrimp or Chicken until thoroughly cooked. Add Yellow Curry Powder, Cayenne Pepper and a little water to coat the meat and veggies, throw in some raisins and walla sweet, spicy nutritious and delicious. (sounds great!)

Favorite cheat meal:
Hmmm...I'm a sweets kinda gal. I'd have to say either Apple Pie (the kind with a crumble top) or Ice Cream

I have always wanted to go to Italy or Greece!

1 word people use to describe me: I don't know...goofy?

Outside of the gym I like to Hang with my man, Ryan and my dog, Kane (white German Shepherd) and friends/family, Sit on a nice patio with drinks in hand...margarita or red wine, go to the lake, see a movie at Alamo Drafthouse, Cook, Read, Go for a run or to yoga, spend time with my family, go on trips, go shopping, take naps.

Something nobody really knows about me or would be surprised to know about me:

I was an event planner before I became a trainer. Worked in Hollywood for Wolfgang Puck. We did the Oscars and the Grammys, lots of movie premieres and it really was not that glamorous. I think I aged 10 years in the 3 years working there because it was so crazy. That's when I learned that I wanted QUALITY of life more than money or a cool job. Money is worthless if you don't have time to enjoy it with your loved one, friends and family. I'm forever grateful for CrossFit Central for that exact reason! Also, I'm a HUGE animal lover!!!

Favorite place to eat in Austin: many good spots here. I'd have to say sushi is my favorite and Umi tends to be our 2nd home. I also love Houston' fresh squeezed screwdriver ever and tuna sashimi salad! I could go on with a million other places.

Song that gets me pumped up for a workout: Don't really have one in particular. Pop, Hip Hop or DJ Mixes

Proudest accomplishment: Graduating from the University of Texas. Hook 'em Horns!!!

Best piece of advice anyone’s ever given you:

Do what makes YOU happy!! I use to be a bit of a people pleaser.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

That's weird to think about. Either still living in Austin or on a beach, definitely another dog and maybe a kid, who knows. Living life and loving every minute. Who knows what's in store for me...maybe I need to do some goal setting!

You can find Jess coaching Women's Only Indoor classes at Run-Tex. She also coaches bootcamp and personal training sessions. She's a lot of fun to be around yet will challenge you to work hard! To find out more about Jess, check out her blog!

Crossfit Kids Nutrition

It's a big week for nutrition at Crossfit Central! Today there will be a

Crossfit Kids Nutrition Meeting at 4:30pm

Parents must attend with their child(ren)

This will be informative for both kids and adults!

We will have some healthy snacks to taste, easy recipes, and general nutrition info.

Our extremely talented kids are having a t-shirt contest. Go to
to put in your vote!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Girls Gone Bad

Tomorrow, Saturday Oct 17, Fit and Fearless Austin is hosting a Women's Self-Defense Seminar on the rooftop of Whole Foods. Here is what the flyer says:

"Don’t be a victim. Gear up and go bad. Fit and Fearless Krav Maga and local law enforcement agencies are teaming up for a special women’s self-defense event.

It’s a four-hour intensive, hands-on seminar. Highly trained experts will teach you how to trust your instincts and avoid an assault by addressing danger early. You’ll be shown how to react appropriately and how to defend against nearly any attack. Join us. Every girl should know how to go bad."

Your $39 registration fee goes to the fight against breast cancer. The event is from 10am-2pm upstairs at Whole Foods. To register, go to

Ok, I couldn't resist putting this video up- when I think of Krav Maga, I think of J-Lo in this movie...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Meet Crystal Nelson

I thought it would be fun to get to know some of our female coaches here at Crossfit Central. Over the next few weeks I will be spotlighting the amazing women who train/nurture/yell at/laugh with us. Now, on to.......

Crystal Nelson

Crystal came to us by way of Colorado where she was a Crossfit Coach and Lead Women's Trainer at Emergent Fitness (AKA Crossfit Fort Collins)
You can find Crystal coaching Women's Only, Co-ed Indoor as well as Bootcamps and Personal Training in the near future.

How were you introduced to Crossfit?
I was introduced to CrossFit by my fitness director, Dennis Marshall, in Colorado. My first workout to try was “Helen” and it was awful! I was instantly hooked. I began watching videos of the original CrossFit girls, like Annie and Nicole, and thought they were amazing women. I had never seen women do so many pull-ups and so quickly. That gave me a challenge and I started on my CrossFit journey.

Favorite WOD/lift:
Filthy 50/deadlift

Favorite Zone/Paleo Meal:
Egg scramble with bacon, sausage, spinach, garlic, salsa, and olive oil served with fresh strawberries

Favorite cheat meal:
Ice cream or Mexican food

I have always wanted to travel frequently to different areas of the world.

1 word people use to describe me: Driven

Outside of the gym I like to cook, watch movies, play with my dogs, and spend time with important people in my life

Something nobody really knows about me or would be surprised to know about me: I grew up hunting, fishing, and was a typical country girl spending time outside on our ranch in Llano.

Favorite place to eat in Austin: Hula Hut

Song that gets me pumped up for a workout: “Diary of Jane” by Breaking Benjamin

Proudest accomplishment: Influencing women around me to change their life through diet and exercise by starting a Women’s CrossFit Program in Fort Collins, CO and building a successful community

Best piece of advice anyone’s ever given you:

“Never quit.” -My Dad

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself as a well respected and influential fitness and nutrition spokeswoman in Austin, where I empower women to make changes for a happy and healthy life.

To find out more about Crystal, check out her blog!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Today's CrossFit Women's WOD:

500m row
12 Body Weight Dead Lifts
21 Box Jumps
3 rounds

Check out this instructional video about common rowing flaws from the Crossfit HQ site.

I am looking to update the Blog List on the sidebar. If you have a blog or know of someone who does, please let me know!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Maybe you've seen this already, but I wanted to show you again. I hope you have a great week and that you know how beautiful you are...

Friday, October 9, 2009


Double Unders.... It's crazy how frustrating they can be! Today's workout was

double unders
ab mat situps

This was definitely a day for skill work: agility, coordination, and speed. What's the secret?!
Check out the video above. Make sure to read the notes at the bottom of the screen. There are some good tips.

Don't forget about the Benchmark Challenge tomorrow at CrossFit Central.

And...join us tonight at the Key Bar for a Happy Hour at 5pm!

Have a great weekend

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tweet Tweet

CrossFit Women is now on Twitter! Check out the sidebar for the most up to date info on WODs, best times, and other important happenings.

Hope you're having a great day!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How it all got started...

This morning's CrossFit Women's workout was

Nasty Girls:
50 squats
7 muscle ups
10 hang clean

I've heard of this workout before and have seen the video. What is interesting is that this video is the reason a lot of people get started/hooked/addicted to CrossFit. This morning Carey told us a little story about her experience with seeing Nasty Girls for the first time.

See, Lance emailed Jeremy and told him to check out this video called Nasty Girls on Jeremy immediately called his sister (Carey) and told her about the video and the website.

Carey had heard of CrossFit but hadn't ever done it or really looked into it. Sitting at her computer, completely dumbfounded, she watched the video for 10 minutes. "It brought tears to my eyes and I immediately called Kris (husband) into the room and made him watch it. I said to myself 'I gotta try this.' "

Carey called Jeremy back and said "let's get certified!" She was 3 months pregnant at the time. And in Carey's words,

"We flew in to Colorado one month later to our Level 1 Cert.
3 days later we walked out and the double C's came to life."

It all starts with a vision.
Then it takes an action.